We are free to live in the truth that we are "fearfully and wonderfully made" (Psalm 139:14). Each person has been created in Gods image—no matter what sex, gender, race, affectional orientation, physical ability, mental ability, or culture you might have. God promises to provide life and that more abundantly (John 10:10), that we may live freely.


We are free to worship God in Spirit and in Truth: there is no right or wrong way to worship and honor God. We must be willing to authentically and fully engage in worship with all of who and what we are. God does not require that we leave or discredit any of ourselves in worship. Where the spirit of the Lord resides there is liberty.


We are free to be intentionally radically inclusive, welcoming all persons; irrespective of gender, gender expression, sexual orientation, race, socioeconomic status, or any other marginalized identity. Every person in the world is important to God. We are members of one body in Christ and none of us is a foreigner of an outsider. We belong to the same human family and Jesus is the one who unites us.


We are free to be healed from our broken-hearts and reconciled from our past. Whether we are oppressed, broken, abused, or misused, we have access to grace, mercy and deliverance. The hand of God is strong and can save. The ears of God are open so our cry for healing and reconciliation will be heard.


We are free to love our brother and sister as we love ourselves. One of the most important commandments that humanity has been offered is to love one another. It is with this love that we can attain a peace that surpasses all understanding.


We are free to live our individual truth. Intentionally resisting the desire to be told what and how to think and studying to learn and search out our own salvation and personal relationship with God.